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Damage to the complex
Debi and Tom Johnson
Posts: 8
We do not rent our condo but we have noticed that alot of rental units have had damage from renters. Since we dont rent our condo, why does the HOA pay for the renters damage if we are not making a profit on the rental unit that has the damage. Who should be responsible for this situation? Also, if their not responsible for their own units damage, why don't we set up a fund for rental properties to pay for the damage instead of everyone paying? T & D Johnson

Posted on: 3/23/2005 4:41pm

Damage to the complex
Some places charge a "Rental Impact Fee." GHR

Posted on: 4/15/2005 9:07am

Damage to the complex
Sandee Bennett
Posts: 10
We rent our condo - if the renter damages anything, the property management company is suppose to retain the security deposit to cover costs. It is definitely each owner's responsibility for his/her own condo - cost of damage to a condo does not come from association dues. However, when a renter or an owner or an owner guest causes damage to common area, we all pay unless the person responsible is identified and held to pay. Thanks for the opportunity to reply. Sandee Bennett / Baja 402

Posted on: 4/18/2005 12:00pm

Damage to the complex
Sandee, you are probably more familiar with this, than I. Keeping in mind that what applies in the U.S. or Canada may not apply in Mexico, is it generally considered that the owners responsibility is "from the paint in" in their unit? That is everything on the inside is the owners responsibility and everything outside, doors, trim, walls is the responsibility of the HOA? What about the Condominium unit patio floors, walls, ceilings and railings? Thank you GHR

Posted on: 4/22/2005 6:54am