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Janet Winkel
Posts: 2
I have some news and I wanted to share it with all of our fellow owners. I have written my first book. It is avalable to anyone who whould like to buy it. Here is a somery about it and a link to order it if you would like. In August of 1990, while relaxing in bed and watching 20/20, I learned about the horrible conditions and poor care that Romanian orphans receive. My husband and I were so moved by this program that we felt the Lord wanted us to do something. We prayed earnestly. Despite being in our late forties and thinking about retiring, the difficulties of the culture shock, the language barrier, the bad conditions, and the Gulf war, we decided that I would go to this third-world country and try to adopt two children. This is the five and a half week account of my stay in Romania and the things that I saw, heard and went through while I experienced Adoption Romanian Style

Posted on: 2/19/2007 1:56pm